Thursday, January 14, 2016

talking to myself

the world was a way for him to talk to himself.
wow, such a profound statement for me.

what i find so fascinating about the above quote, what really struck home for me was this; that every person, every situation you are going to meet or be in you will find something of yourself in them. you will find some sort of connection to you and your life and that could be good or bad. the more that you are bothered by it or are absolutely drawn to is because of some familiarity to it. when you are experiencing these things you will react from your perception. so if you find yourself in a situation where you meet some one and for some reason you don't seem to hit it off think about the reason why. is that reason why triggering you because it is something you need to look at closer, deal with within you.

we, as people, are filters for our own reality. we perceive things occurring to our own filters, our own issues, our own experiences. people we meet, interactions we take part in, we are bringing our own view to the subject. something i may love and find comfort with maybe the most distressing thing to another.

on a side note, we are totally in control of how we interrupt what we see, feel, experience. it is all a mind game, a shift of perspective can make the worst day of the year into something different (better, worse, peacefulness, joy) it's a matter of your personal preference. don't like what you are seeing, change your view, turn it upside down, shake it around, SHIFT!

what situations are you going to find yourself in today and what are you going to talk to yourself about them?

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